
Home Undergraduate Tuition

Tuition and Fees for the University of Utah are established by the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE). The University offers a variety of payment methods (link payment methods to payment options page) to help parents and students pay their tuition and fees. Prior semester past due amounts will prevent a student from registering for subsequent semesters. We encourage parents and students to pay close attention to payment deadlines.

Tuition Estimator

Undergraduate Tuition:

Undergraduate Tuition is charged per credit hour in addition to the base tuition. Freshman and Sophomore rate schedules apply to any student who has completed up to 59 credit hours. Junior and Senior rate schedules apply to any student who has completed 60 or more credit hours.

Resident Freshman and Sophomore Undergraduate Tuition is assessed per semester.
  • Resident and Non-resident tuition consists of a base tuition amount which differs according to number of credit hours earned, plus a tuition charge based on number of credit hours enrolled, plus fees, as detailed in the rate schedules below.
Detailed Undergraduate Resident Tuition and Fee Schedule
Detailed Undergraduate Non-Resident Tuition and Fee Schedule
Resident Junior and Senior Undergraduate Tuition is assessed per semester.
  • Resident and Non-resident tuition consists of a base tuition amount which differs according to number of credit hours earned, plus a tuition charge based on number of credit hours enrolled, plus fees, as detailed in the rate schedules below.
Detailed Upper-Division (60+ hrs) Resident Tuition and Fee Schedule
Detailed Upper-Division (60+ hrs) Non-Resident Tuition and Fee Schedule

Differential Tuition:

Some academic departments and colleges charge supplementary tuition amounts to cover their additional costs of instruction.  Here are the details:

All College of Science Courses:
All students will be charged an additional fee per credit hour for undergraduate courses taken in the College of Science.
Upper-Division Engineering Courses:
All resident students regardless of class standing will be charged an additional fee per credit hour for undergraduate courses in the College of Engineering, with the exception of courses numbered 2000-2999.
Upper-Division Nursing Courses:
All students will be charged an additional fee per credit hour for credits taken in upper-division courses (3000-5999) in the College of Nursing with the exception of Gerontology courses. All students taking upper division courses for the RN-BS UOnline program will not be charged the upper division differential fee.
Upper-Division Eccles School of Business Courses:
All students taking 3000-5999 level courses in the School of Business will be charged an additional fee per credit hour.

Here is some additional information to help you understand other ways your tuition could be affected by the kinds of courses you take and when you take them:

Auditing classes:
Charges for auditing a class are the same rate as regular credit classes, and such hours will be counted as part of the student’s total credit-hour load for tuition purposes.
Graduate courses:
If a student enrolls in Graduate level courses as an Undergraduate, all classes, including the Undergraduate courses, will be assessed at the Graduate rate.
Summer Semester:
Both resident and nonresident students are assessed resident tuition and fees during the Summer Semester. This does not apply to dental, law, or any other graduate programs that charge non-resident rates in the Summer Semester.